“I Care” is the exclusive customer service program of Peak Resources, Inc. The program is an employee incentive initiative that was put in place to ensure that anyone’s life impacted by Peak Resources, Inc. will receive the highest standard of customer care.
Our Mission:
We at Peak Resources are committed to creating an environment “where caring comes to life” by empowering and enabling our staff and residents to achieve their personal best… …through our staff’s commitment to Initiative, Teamwork, Empathy, Courtesy and Communication
Our Goal Is To:
- Increase satisfaction among everyone we serve
- Create a formal method for ensuring customer loyalty
- Be proud to be part of Peak
- Turn every opportunity to serve our residents into a memorable experience
- Bring the resident-directed philosophy of care to life
There is an “I Care” representative based out of the home office that travels to all 7 of our facilities to promote the program. The “I Care” program is promoted through various trainings, employee recognition, and rewarding individuals who go above and beyond.
The “I Care” program has several key components which allow for our employees to be rewarded or recognized by a fellow staff member, a resident, or the family member of a resident. These components consist of our “I Care” points rewards program, “I Care About Wellness” program, “Rising to the Peak” (Monthly Appreciation Award), and “Safety at its Peak” (Safety Drawing Program).